Why It’s Ok to Not Feel Like You Have it All Together

If you could have predicted what these last one and a half years could have looked like, would you have done anything differently? Would you have traveled more? Saved more? Pursued a different career? Hung out with friends and family more? It really makes you think about how you spend your time when you realize how quickly circumstances can change! It also makes you (well, at least me!!) realize how silly it can be to spend time comparing our lives to others when truly, situations change all the time and what we see may not always be the full picture. 

I saw plenty of people who I thought were thriving this past year!! Turns out, they were choosing not to showcase the hard times, which is totally understandable. I think sometimes the images we see online make us feel less-than. It leaves us feeling like we should have it all together, that we should have “made it” by now - but what does that even mean?! Something I’ve realized a lot of us subconsciously do is set these expectations based on everyone around us, but ultimately, they’re not that realistic because they don’t take into account all the external factors. For example, you may have just turned 30 and all your friends have bought a home and you feel like you should too, but it would be a big financial burden….maybe their parents helped them pay for college and yours didn’t. There are always so many sides to stories that we never consider because we don’t see them!!

This is only one example, but I could go on forever...I’ll spare ya!! But, my point is that it’s OK to not have it all together because most people don’t. Remove the pressure you’re putting on yourself to do all the things and be all the things because you simply can’t. You’ll fail. Something will fall through the cracks because that’s life and we’re humans! Life goes on and it’s a lot easier to move on from failure when you give yourself grace and see it as a learning opportunity. Remember to set boundaries because if you don’t set your own narrative, someone else will for you. You are a better YOU when you set boundaries!! 

You are not a robot. You’re not meant to always be on, always be doing, always be in “go go go” mode. So when you feel the pressure to be perfect, remember that truly, no one is. Remind yourself of what really is important, and go focus on that instead of trying to have it all together!


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