What I’m Ditching as We Prep for fall 

This summer was an absolute blur in the best way possible, and with our recent move, I know the fall is going to feel like one too if I am not careful! Recognizing just how quickly moments are flying by, I’m doing my best to be extra selective about what I’m giving my time and energy too - my glass balls vs. my rubber balls if you will!! With that being said, I’ve noticed a few tendencies and habits I’ve picked up recently that I want to ditch as we prep for fall and I hope by laying this all out there, it not only holds me accountable, but also encourages you to think about what you could let go of as we enter into a new season. 

1. A “do more” mindset 

It’s easy for me to fall into the hustle culture mentality that we always need to be doing more, whether that be more as a spouse, a mom, an employee, a friend, etc. I really want to be better about falling into a rhythm of grace and rest this fall. This means not feeling guilty about doing nothing, setting aside plenty of time to do what fuels me and our family, and listening to what I believe God is calling us to do, even if it looks different than what society says we should do. 

2. Items that don’t serve us

Most of you all know we just moved and with that comes going through a lot of stuff - like a lot!! We had to go through everything when we were packing it all up, but of course, we got tired and didn’t have a chance to thoughtfully go through everything like we would have wanted to. I’m vowing to get rid of the things I come across that we don’t use anymore, have outgrown, don’t wear, so on and so on!

3. Saying “yes” when it isn’t a “heck yes” 

This goes along with number one, but our time and energy are our two most valuable assets! Derek Sivers came up with this theory that if it isn’t a heck yes, then it should be a no. Meaning if you aren’t so excited to be saying yes, then why are you saying yes?! I want to be 100% committed to my commitments in the fall so that I can give my everything to them! 

What are you going to ditch for this upcoming season? 


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