The Importance of Goal Setting

Summer is FLYING BY!!! We’ve been hard at work preparing everything for our national conference (you can still grab tickets!) and are feelin’ it. Every time Mav goes down for a nap, we wish we could get one in, too! It’s crazy to think about a time when Get Your Teach On (GYTO for short) didn’t exist. It was just this big dream we had, something we talked about all the time, saying “wouldn’t this be crazy if something like this existed?” Without setting goals, our national conference would never take place. We pursued this dream because we felt called to bring this crazy idea into existence, but it couldn’t have happened without setting goals every step of the way. I’m a big believer in a lot of things, and one of those is the importance of goal setting.

If you need help with knowing how to set goals, let me know on Instagram and I can write a post like that for you. Today, however, I want to talk about the importance of goal setting and why goals matter.

Goals give you a clear picture of what you need to work on

Identifying the big picture goal and breaking it down into mini goals of how you’ll eventually achieve the big goal is key. All goals are made up of a series of mini goals and these give you the clear picture of everything that must be done.


Goals tell you where you need to go

Surely I’m not the only one who has felt lost at times in my career, right?! The great thing about goals is that they act as a roadmap to where you need to go. Once you break them down, there’s no guessing about what comes next. You create your goals and you GO!! 

Goals track progress 

Baby steps baby steps baby steps. Sometimes when you’re in the thick of things, it’s hard to see that any progress is being made. Log your goals and mark when you achieve them, even the smallest of things. When you hit a roadblock or get discouraged, which both are bound to happen when working toward big goals, look back at everything you’ve done so far.  You’ve done more than you realize! Don’t give up!!

Goals motivate you

I recommend keeping your big goal somewhere you can see it everyday. Whether it’s to get healthier, save for a big trip, complete a course online, whatever it is, write it out and put it up somewhere visible! Goals are meant to motivate you because there’s a deeper purpose as to why you’re working so hard on them. Let your goals motivate you, not stress you out.

Goals keep you on track

Lastly, it can be hard to stay on track when it feels like your goal is so far away. That’s the power of the mini goals helping you to get there. What helps me is to set deadlines for all my goals along the way and check in weekly to make sure I’m really staying on track. I can’t recommend this approach enough! 

There’s nothing quite like that sense of accomplishment you get when you achieve the goal you’ve been working on for months (or maybe even years!). If you haven’t tried goal setting, I recommend starting out by setting only a few and breaking them down. And remember - don’t give up! You are capable and worthy of working toward your dreams. 


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