My Summer Routine

There is something about learning what others include in their routines that is really intriguing (am I the only nosy one around here?! I love to hear how people spend their time!!), but also really inspiring. I’ve definitely implemented new rhythms into my days because I’ve heard what works well for others and decided to give it a try for myself. I think it’s important to remember that not only will your routine most likely change in every single season of your life, but also it is one thousand percent normal if you try something and it doesn’t work for you. There is grace for that! Give yourself grace for things to not work and for it all to change!!

I want to share my summer routine with the hopes that it encourages you to maybe try something new or get back to a routine you used to have that you’ve maybe fallen out of recently. So, here are some of the most important aspects! 

1. Daily Exercise 

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen I started a program called Burn Fat and Feast. It’s an incredible program designed by a woman named Sarah Blankenship Thomas meant for women specifically. This has both my daily diet and exercise routine, which has been so nice to have all in one program. I had been struggling to commit to daily exercise and healthy nutrition, but this program has an amazing and incredibly supportive online community. All the aspects together have made it so much fun to do and has helped both my physical and mental health so much. 

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2. Being Present with Mav

I think sometimes as moms we feel guilty if we don't play with our child every single second, but that is just not realistic. Instead, I make sure that I dedicate specific and focused time to and be with him. During this time, I do not pick up my phone. I have activities for us to do - painting, sensory bins, outdoor play, etc. We laugh, we pretend play, we do it all. This way, I can remind myself that when everything is busy and I start feeling guilty, I have given him focused time and everything is ok. He doesn't need my undivided attention every single second. I will say this: putting your phone away is key. If you’re spending one-on-one time with your kid, but you’re on your phone for majority of it, it’s really not quality time! 

3. Quality time with Wade

After Mav goes to bed, it's mine and Wade's time. We are again, very intentional about spending 1-2 hours after Mav goes down with no phones whatsoever. We watch our favorite shows, laugh, talk, etc. It is so important to carve out intentional time for one another.

4. My “me” time

I’ve said this before, and I will keep on saying it! It’s not selfish to spend time taking care of ourselves. In order to best care for those around us, we need to take care of ourselves. I do this by not only making sure I stick to daily exercise and good eating habits, but also spending time doing the things I love. Hanging out with my girl friends, reading a good book (any recommendations?!), wearing a face mask, doing breathing exercises. I make sure to fit in self-care because these things make a huge difference in how I show up!

I think it's important to note that my house gets messy, the laundry goes wild, but I consider those my rubber balls. They will bounce back eventually. This summer I am focused on my glass balls - My physical/mental health + my family. I’d love to hear what you are considering your glass balls and your rubber balls this summer over on Instagram


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