How to cope if you’re just not “feeling” it this school year

Something I’ve been hearing a lot from friends, educators, business-owners, etc. is just how tired everyone is. No one expected all of this and after 2020, no one anticipated 2021 to pan out the way it has. Maybe it was naive of us, but I think we really thought this year had potential to look different. So if you’re sitting at your computer and thinking, “I am just exhausted,” you are so not alone. 

While your work is so beyond difficult, and probably much more so than what you imagined when you decided to become a teacher, I am SO proud of you! You are doing such great work and I hope my advice below can really fuel you during these hard times. Here is my advice for how to cope if you’re just not “feeling” it this school year:

Know that your feelings are valid

Maybe you’ve heard this before or maybe you haven’t, but I want you to believe every single ounce of this statement. What you feel - every frustration, every bit of anger, sadness, bitterness, whatever it may be, is valid. Don’t be mad at yourself for feeling a certain way. Instead, allow yourself to feel the way you do for a certain amount of time and process those feelings!! Then, keep your head held high and keep moving forward.

Schedule extra time for you

I know this is waaay easier said than done, especially if you have littles in the house!! I would fight to make time for the things that fill up your tank, though. If that means you and your partner need to rearrange things in your schedule for a bit so you can have more alone time, I think it’s worth the discussion. I know it’s hard, but 30 extra minutes here and there can do wonders. 

Talk openly with other teachers about your struggles

You are not the only one who feels this way. Find a safe space with others who get it and you can freely talk about your feelings with them. It’s really helpful to talk with others who are in the same field as you because they truly understand!

Plan things to look forward to throughout the year 

It can be difficult when you feel like there’s just no end and you’re like “oh my gosh we still have until MAY!” I like planning things throughout the end as a way to break up the mundane, whether that’s fun things in the classroom or outside. Of course, you have a break in December to look forward to, but what if you planned something really exciting and rewarding every month to set your sight on? That way you never have to go a long stretch of time without reaping a big benefit!!


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