Gift Guide for the Overwhelmed Mama

Can you believe we’re already talking about the holidays?! Word on the street is that we need to start ordering gifts way farther in advance than usual, so I wanted to start getting my gift guides out as early as I could manage! My first gift guide of the season is for the overwhelmed mamas who don’t even have enough time to think about what they need right now. I hope this gift guide serves you. And if you know a mom, I hope this gives you some ideas of what could be a great gift for them this holiday season!

Neck Wrap

Days are long with kiddos running around the house. One little luxury in life is crawling into bed or collapsing onto the couch, then wrapping a warm, scented wrap around the neck. Trust me, it does wonders. 

Cozy slippers

Honestly, a good pair of slippers is a very needed thing these days - especially if you work from home!  

Luxurious lotion

Life moves fast as a mom. And does privacy even exist anymore?! LOL. Let me tell you, though, those rare, beautiful moments when we get to shower alone...Soak them up! Self-care, mama! I love having a special lotion on hand for extra pockets of time I get that I only pull out on certain occasions!


Anyone short on time needs this in their life! It’s a lifesaver!

Candle Subscription 

New scent, new mood! Seriously, life is all about little joys and a candle subscription is the perfect little joy. Who wouldn’t look forward to an amazing new scent each month?!

One-Line-A-Day Journal

This is such a special gift! Time truly flies when you’re parenting. This little journal has room for one line a day and logs those memories on the same page over the course of five years. Think how special that will be to see what happened on the same day for five consecutive years!

Robot Vacuum 

Andddd when things get can always count on the robot vacuum. No effort needed.

Face Roller 

If you’ve never used one of these, you are seriously missing out! This takes less than one minute in the morning and oh my gosh feels incredible! It has benefits such as depuffing and is good for your lymphatic system, but I honestly just enjoy how soothing it is! 

Fuji Film Camera
Let’s be honest who ever has time to print pictures or make picture books!

Reusable Water Bottle

You’ll never have to worry about refilling your water bottle.

Gold Necklace

These are great for to have for kid’s initials.

Gift Cards

Mama will LOVE a gift card to her favorite place - nail salon, restaurant, spa, store, whatever! Along with it, gift her TIME so she can go enjoy it! 


Gift Guide for the Husband


Gift Guide for the Teacher